While it may have been but a brief eight weeks, our Manquehue friends see great significance in their time with us this winter. Rosario, Berni, Trini, and Teresa have found many highpoints in their Portsmouth experience.
Brother Sixtus Roslevich reflects on his long connection with the Manquehue Apostolic Movement, particularly through the lens of his retreat in Patagonia in 2002. He tells us that his journey, strengthened by lectio divina and impacted by a powerful conversion experience, and enriched through encounters with Abbot Patrick Barry, founder Jose Manuel Eguiguren, and others of the Movement, had an undeniable impact on his monastic vocation.
Our winter crew from the Manquehue Apostolic Movement returning home to Chile this week after making their short visit to St Louis Abbey, MO on the way.
About twenty Confirmandi made their way to Attleboro, Massachusetts, led by Fr. Francis Hein and assisted by Fr. Edward Mazuski and several of the visiting Manquehue group.
More than 40 Students of Portsmouth Abbey School participated in MFL 2020 along with Mr. John Huynh and a group of faculty. Five Chilean missionaries from Manquehue were also part of this venture.
Monks and Missionaries from Portsmouth Abbey had a blast at focus conference SLS20 in Phoenix Arizona. The event was majorly sponsored by Dr.Timothy Flanigan.
With mixed emotions and heartfelt gratitude we will be bidding farewell to our Chilean friends Baby Clara, Cata, Alvaro and Antonia before the end of this month.